Facility Apps develops progressive facility managament software for service companies. Apps that make you more insight into key business processes and projects. Allows you offer your customers more security, while improving your efficiency.
Services companies have a wide variety of tasks, projects and work processes, which regularly intertwined. If management want to have strict control over it. The facility software and apps Facility Apps forms a layer over your business' that make this faster and more effectively.
Why management software?
Some reasons why management software is attractive to your company:
• Both management and staff work faster and more efficiently
• Anytime, anywhere access to relevant project information
• Quality management for all parties involved
• Complete ticket system
Who is our facility management software?
Our software and apps are not only meant for the management, including the executive staff and clients can work with it. The management will gain insight into the performance of employees and the staff will let them do their job more efficiently and quickly to better understand their roles and our software. Clients immediately see the status of the work and can transmit and retrieve information any complaints.